CS 561 - Literature Study and Resulting Student Presentation

Information concerning the CS 561 literature study component of one selected database topic is given below.

General Guidelines

This course includes a literature study component. The intent is for students to select from a spectrum of topics to be cover in the course.

For this, students will preferable work in teams of 2 (or individually if there is a special request to do so). Each student team will be assigned one topic for in-depth study based on your preferences and coverage of topics in the course. The goal of this effort is for you to gain knowledge in one topic of databases of your own choosing, and to share this knowledge with the rest of the class.

The first task then will be to select a topic. together with the instructor and typically one base paper to start with. Thereafter you need to collect additional background papers from the literature in that one chosen area, roughly say 5 closely related papers. Topics are assigned first-come first-served. If you are selecting a specific extra paper, you should again consult with the instructor on the appropriateness of the material. You will need to get the topic and the specific papers approved by the instructor well before giving the talk. And, we'll need to select one key paper among the chosen papers and make it available to the class at least 10 days before your presentation, so that the paper can be copied and distributed to the students one week before the paper will be discussed in the class.

The student team will then prepare a presentation (tutorial style overheads) and present the work in class. The student team will be responsible for leading the discussion on their topic. Be ready to have some example that you can walk through with the students; and to have some questions you will raise with the audience. The presentation should be based on having read several related papers, even if the talk itself can focus primarily on explaining the key idea out of one or two keys paper.

Besides presenting, you need to submit to the instructor your presentation slides (in hardcopy), as well as a short report (roughly 5 pages) discussing the papers you have read, including an annotated bibliography of the papers you have read. You are expected to prepare professional quality transparencies for your presentation to help the others to understand your presentation. You need to make this material also available to the students in the class; so that they have it available when you give your talk. And, if you need to email them to the instructor, so that they can be linked into the course webpage.

The presentation, the overheads, the brief report, and the preparedness of the student team with the material will be graded.

Signup of time slots and selected topics is first-come-first-served, to avoid overcrowding in one topic area.


For the presentation, you can get a maximum of 100pts. The grade of this assignment will be given using the following as guideline:

NOTE: The prepared material should make clear which papers you have read, and how they relate to your presentation. You may have read several papers, but you may have found that several of them are just small extensions to one of them, and you hence focus in your presentation mainly on one paper. In that case, list the other papers in one overhead and have a brief statement how they relate to the presented concepts.