CS561 Final Projects

Due Date

At the start of our PROJECT PRESENTATIONS and DEMONSTRATIONS day on the 29th of April, namely, in-class on the last day of our course, all deliverables are due.


The following deliverables are due:

There is no required minimum or maximum length of the final project report. However, they tend to typically range between 15 to 25 pages (code excluded). It needs to be more comprehensive than a good number of the project progresses you have turned in. I gave you feedback on your project progress, and if in doubt ask. Also, of course, you can "reuse" fully your project progress report as starting point for your final report.

Content of Report

Your written report should roughly contain the following sections :

Presentation Logistics

Project presentations and demonstration are about 15 minutes per project.

Please be ready for a brief question-and-answer-session during or at the end of your presentation.

Please be ready at start of class for having your system set up. You are encouraged to coordinate with others in the class so that your system is loaded and ready to go immediately within your time slot.

You are strongly encouraged to give a demo as part of your presentation as a working system is required in order or your project to be considered successfully completed. And, in fact, it may be possible to cover most of the issues you want to touch upon (see topics to be covered below) based on walking through a life demonstration of your system. In the worst case, if your system is not working, do provide some sample screen dumps or system runs.

Advice: Also be ready for your system to fail, and make a contigence plan of having full overheads as backup.

In addition, your team may be asked to provide also a more in-depth demonstration to the instructor of the course within one week after this final presentation. Such an off-line demonstration would then be a requirement in order to receive a grade for your project.

Content of Presentation

Your project presentation should only contain the most impressive highlights of your system, ideally illustrated via a demo. Do not spend much time on well-known background material; rather go into what makes your project unique, interesting and challenging. Also, you need to justify why you have developed this system, what where the most challenging portion of it, what are its most interesting features, any evaluation or experimental study, and what have you learned about doing this project and you now would do differently the second time around.

Final Project Grading

The maxinum score for this final project is 100 pts. This will count towards 70% of your total score for the final course project (project 3); while 20% of the final course project grade was given for the project progress report and 10% for the project proposal. The grade of this assignment will be given using the following grading guideline: