CS 536 (F02) Extra Credit Homework : Interpreters

Deadline: by December 14 (Saturday) 8am via turnin (assignment name hwk-ec).

This is an optional extra credit assignment, provided to allow those of you who struggled in the pre-midterm part of the course a chance to demonstrate mastery of that material. Since students have earned low grades on different assessments (different assignments, midterm, etc), I don't have a fixed policy for handling the extra credit points (such as "this replaces the grade on hwk n"). However, if your class grade is adversely affected by a low score on material early in the course, I will use your performance on this assignment to offset it in a reasonable manner.

Exercises: Implementing i-letrec

The midterm introduced a new kind of binding called i-letrec which was a cross between let and letrec. As a reminder,

(i-letrec ([var_1 expr_1] ... [var_n expr_n]) body)

extends its inherited environment as follows:

Semantics: i-letrec evaluates all the expr_i in parallel, assigns each value to the corresponding var_i, then evaluates and returns the value of body. Any use of a var_i in an expr_j must be in the body of a function. (This is also expected of letrec terms.) Thus, (i-letrec ([x 3] [y x]) y) is illegal, but (i-letrec ([x 3] [y (lambda () x)]) (y)) is not.

  1. Add i-letrec to the AFunRecExp interpreter (i.e., the interpreter with functions, let, recursion, function application, variables, and arithmetic; don't worry about having conditionals and assignment).

    Unlike let and letrec, i-letrec isn't very useful unless you can bind more than one variable in the same i-letrec expression. Your solution must support at least 3 bound variables (let and rec should continue to support just one). For a bit of extra credit, implement iletrecE so it can handle an arbitrary (though positive) number of bound variables (instead of the fixed number of 3 variables).

  2. Would your i-letrec implementation need to change if we added setE to the language? Either explain all of the places where your code would break or justify why it would still work. Provide a concrete test case that you would use to test your interpreter if it included setE (you may use Scheme syntax for the example) -- obviously you do not need to actually run this test case since your interpreter need not implement setE.


Exercises: The Profiling Interpreter

We want to augment our interpreter with a basic feature for code profiling. Specifically, we want to add a construct call-count that takes no arguments and returns the number of function calls (applications) that have been made since the program began executing. The count starts at 0 whenever interp is called from the prompt; each function application increases the count by 1. Here are some examples:

    {+ {call-count} 4}
    = 4 (since no calls have been made, call-count returns 0)

    {with {f {fun x {+ x 1}}}
      {with {n {if0 {f 5} {f 6} {f {f 3}}}}
    = 3
  1. Add call-count to an interpreter for AFunExp with static scoping and eager evaluation. Your solution must be fully functional; in other words, you may not use assignment operators (set!, boxes, structure mutation) anywhere in your solution.

  2. Should call-count be treated statically or dynamically in the presence of closures? Justify your answer, and explain how your code implements it.

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