WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Computer Science Department

CS577/EE537 Advanced Computer Networks
Summer 2003
Instructor: Bob Kinicki

General and Historic Course Information
Academic Honesty Policies
Required Text: None
Class List

This course will be conducted in 'seminar style'. Except for background material, the course consists of reading and discussing technical papers taken from the current computer networks literature. Seminar style implies that the students participate in both the presentations and in the discussion.

Given that we will typically cover three papers per week, I am going to require that each student turn in a Paper Evaluation Form for each paper covered at the beginning of every class.

The course includes a Course Project, and a Final Exam. See initial questions from Spring 2003 Final Exam.
Note - The Final Exam will be an INDIVIDUAL oral exam this semester. The Oral Exam will feature questions related to the List of General Topic Areas.

Each student is required to submit two hardcopies of research papers to help form the course material. One paper should come from the research literature of Wireless Protocols, and the second paper should come from the area of Network Security Issues.

Useful Resources

  • Research Topic Areas in Computer Networks.
  • List of Important Networking Journals and Conferences roughly in decreasing order of providing quality papers for class presentations.
  • List of Computer Networks Textbooks

    Class Lecture Slides and Papers - Summer 2003

    The table below holds all the presentations given in this course.
    Each student is required to givee two research paper presentations and one course project presentation.

    Chris Cox's Presentation on Library Resources    
    Course Objectives (pdf) (ppt)
    Hobb's Internet History    
    TCP Sliding Windows (pdf) (ppt)
    General Congestion Control and Queuing (pdf) (ppt)
    TCP Congestion Control (pdf) (ppt)
    Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance (pdf) (ppt)
    Tuning RED for Web Traffic (pdf) (ppt)
    Core Stateless Fair Queuing (pdf) (ppt)
    The War between Mice and Elephants (pdf) (ppt)
    Promoting the Use of End-to-End Congestion Control in the Internet (pdf) (ppt)
    Analysis and Design of an Adaptive Virtual Queue (AVQ) Algorithm for Active Queue Management (pdf) (ppt)
    Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks (pdf) (ppt)
    A State Feedback Control Approach to Stabilizing Queues for ECN-Enabled TCP Connections (pdf) (ppt)
    MANETconf: Configuration of Hosts in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (pdf) (ppt)
    Interworking Internet Telephony and Wireless Telecommunications Networks (pdf) (ppt)
    A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols (pdf) (ppt)
    Comprehensive Performance Analysis of a TCP Session Over a Wireless Fading Link With Queueing (pdf) (ppt)
    Understanding TCP fairness over Wireless LAN (pdf) (ppt)
    The Impact of Multihop Wireless Channel on TCP Throughput and Loss (pdf) (ppt)
    Packet Leashes: A Defense against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks (pdf) (ppt)
    Detecting SYN Flooding Attacks (pdf) (ppt)
    A Technique for Counting NATted Hosts Protocols (pdf) (ppt)
    SAVE: Source Address Validity Enforcement Protocol (pdf) (ppt)
    Detecting Network Intrusions via Sampling : A Game Theoretic Approach (pdf) (ppt)
    The Honeynet Project: Trapping the Hackers (pdf) (ppt)
    Storage Area Networks (pdf) (ppt)
    Internet2 (pdf) (ppt)
    Simulating Web Traffic (pdf) (ppt)
    Firewalls (pdf) (ppt)
    3Com Network Measurement (pdf) (ppt)
    Wireless Security (pdf) (ppt)

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    Bob Kinicki
    Fuller Labs 135
    Computer Science Department
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute
    Worcester, MA 01609

    Modified 29 July 2003