This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EIA-0082393. Authors: Timothy J. Hickey, Richard Alterman, and John Langton Department of Computer Science Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02254 USA In our poster we present the TA-Tool, a same time/different place groupware application developed to support the use of online teaching assistants in large introductory programming courses. It combines the features of a text editor, ftp client, and Instant Messenger client to allow students and teaching assistants to inspect and comment on the student's code in real time. As our programming classes grow in size, the problem of providing effective Teaching Assistant (TA) support becomes more difficult. With an increased number of students comes an increased number of schedule variances making it hard to coordinate TA meeting times. Students also no longer work in a central location where a TA can hold office hours. At the same time, developments in techonology have made online student/TA interaction more feasible as an alternative to face to face meetings. High speed internet connections and student familiarity with interacting online (via popular programs like Instant Messenger) lessen the overhead of introducing such technology into the classroom. The ``TA-tool'' is a software application which aims to improve TA support given these trends. The main components of the tool are a TA/student chat area, a "buddy list" for identifying other students and available Tas, and three text editing areas. The first text area contains the student's program, the second is for the students to write comments in (this allows them to reference and comment outside of the code), and the third is for TA comments. These 3 windows scroll vertically together, so that the TA's and student's comments remain together with the corresponding lines of the student's program. The tool uses a light color to highlight the line containing the most recent change, and uses a darker color for the previous 100 characters. This highlighting allows the student and TA to each see where the other is working. The remote text areas are also read-only, thus the TA cannot directly change the student's program but only comment on it, line-by-line. Besides being easier to implement this serves an important pedagogic goal of reinforcing the TA's role as advisor, not partner in coding. There are also a number of IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tools for scheme programs (which was the main application area), and some other features such as a Font menu, a Help menu, and a File menu (which allows students to store code either locally or on the class server). The TA-Tool logs every event and the time (in milliseconds) at which it occurred. The log data collected from TA/student interactions can be reviewed using a VCR-like tool with the usual VCR controls (play, forward, reverse, fast forward, pause). This has proved to be quite useful in assessing students' problems and allows TAs to review what students have been working on. The tool has shown much promise in its first deployment in 2 small summer courses and is currently being used in classes with up to 200 students. Its design continues to evolve as student use elucidates issues in human/computer interaction and online interaction. The trends of technology and its effects on sociology in the modern learning environment makes the TA-Tool and applications like it more and more useful in the classroom.