







The Effects of a Performance Enhancing Proxy on TCP Congestion Control over a Satellite Network
[Satellite Testbed]

The Effects of a Performance Enhancing Proxy on TCP Congestion Control over a Satellite Network

Mingxi Liu, Yongcheng Liu, Zhifei Ma, Zachary Porter, Jae Chung, Saahil Claypool, Feng Li, Jacob Tutlis, and Mark Claypool

In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC)
Austin, TX, USA
November 11th - 13th, 2022

Satellite networks often use Performance Enhancing Proxies (PEPs) in order to overcome the inherent high latencies that are detrimental to TCP throughputs. Measurements of TCP performance over Satellite PEPs are lacking, both for actual PEP benefits and for interactions between PEPs and TCP congestion control algorithms. This paper presents results from experiments that assess the benefits of a PEP for a commercial satellite network, considering four TCP congestion control algorithms: Cubic, BBR, Hybla and PCC. Without the PEP, the four algorithms have similar steady state throughputs (about 70 Mb/s), but significant differences in start-up throughputs. In particular, the PEP dramatically improves (3x) start-up throughputs for TCP Cubic - the default congestion control algorithm used by most Internet servers. Overall, the PEP equalizes performance irrespective of the TCP congestion control algorithm chosen.


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