CS 1101 - Aterm 10

Homework 5 - Lists of Structs

Due: Friday, September 17 Saturday, September 18 at 5pm

Read the expectations on homework.

Assignment Goals

The Assignment

One of the easiest ways to "make a difference" is to finance small loans to the working poor in developing countries. Web-based microlending institutions facilitate the transfer of money to businesses in need. Lenders provide interest-free, short-term loans in amounts as little as $25. Borrowers use the money to improve or start small businesses, and repay the loans over a matter of months.

In this assignment you will model a list of borrowers waiting for loans. The kind of information that should be stored for each borrower is the borrower's name, the number of people in the borrower's team (sometimes groups of people apply for a single loan), the country the borrower is from, the kind of business the funds are needed for, the amount of the requested loan, and the percentage raised so far (for examples, you can check out the Entrepreneurs page at kiva.org).

  1. Develop data definitions for borrower and list-of-borrower.

  2. Provide an example of list-of-borrower. Your example should contain at least three borrowers.

  3. Write the template(s) for your data definitions in Problem 1.

What to Turn In

Here is the grade sheet for Homework 5 that the TAs will use when grading your assignment.

Save a copy of your work - you will use it for Homework 6. Using web-based turnin, turn in a single file containing all code and documentation for this assignment. Follow the naming conventions for naming your file. Make sure both partners' names are in a comment at the beginning of the file.