CS 1101 - Aterm 16

Lab 5 - Hierarchies

Tuesday/Wednesday, September 27/28


What you should do

  1. Do problem 1 on Homework 5.

  2. Do problem 2.

    Ask a lab assistant to check over your solutions to the first two problems.

  3. Do problem 3.

    Ask a lab assistant to check over your templates.

  4. Write a set of test cases for Problem 4.

  5. If you still have time left, write test cases for the remaining problems.

What to Turn In

If you don't get through all the problems, don't worry; you may complete the remaining problems as you continue working on the homework. Today you should turn in whatever you've completed at the end of the 50-minute lab period.

Using InstructAssist, turn in a single file containing the work you completed during the lab. The name of the turnin project is Lab 5. The name of the file should be yourLastName-lab5.