CS 1101 - Aterm 16

Lab 6 - Higher-order functions

Tuesday/Wednesday, October 4/5


What you should do

  1. Do problem 1 on Homework 6. When you test this problem, you may use the same set of check-expects you used in Homework 3 (although if you didn't get full credit for testing the problem in Homework 3, you may need to include additional tests).

    Ask a lab assistant to check over your solution to the first problem.

  2. Do problem 2. When you test this problem, you may use the same set of check-expects you used in Homework 3.

  3. Do problem 3. When you test this problem, you may use the same set of check-expects you used in Homework 3.

    Ask a lab assistant to check over your solutions to problems 2 and 3.

  4. Do problem 4. You'll need a new set of check-expects, because this is a new problem.
That's all for today. We need to talk about mutable variables before you attempt the remaining problems in Homework 6. We'll be covering mutable variables in class on Thursday and Friday.

What to Turn In

If you don't get through all the problems, don't worry; you may complete the remaining problems as you continue working on the homework. Today you should turn in whatever you've completed at the end of the 50-minute lab period.

Turn in your .rkt file using InstructAssist. The name of the project is Lab 6. You should name your file yourLastName-lab6.