CS 1101 - C-term 11

Homework 4 - Writing functions for Lists of Structs

Due: Thursday, February 10 at 5pm

Read the expectations on homework.

Assignment Goals

The Assignment

The waiters in a local restaurant use hand-held devices to record customers' orders. In this assignment, you will write data definitions and functions that model the ordering of items from the restaurant's menu.

  1. Each item on the menu consists of the name of the item, the type (appetizer, entree, dessert, or beverage), whether or not the item is vegetarian, the number of items ordered, and the cost of a single item. Define a struct called menu-item that represents the given information. Give at least 3 examples of menu-items.

  2. Write the template for functions over menu-items.

  3. Define an order (a list-of-menu-item). Give at least two examples of orders.

  4. Write the template for functions over orders.

As you develop the following functions over orders, develop auxiliary (helper) functions over menu items that can be used by the order functions.

  1. Develop the function count-appetizers, that consumes an order and returns the number of items in the order that are appetizers. (The quantity of each appetizer is not taken into account by this function - the function simply counts each menu item in the list that is classified as an appetizer.)

  2. Develop a function list-expensive-vegetarian that consumes an order and a number and produces an order. The order that is produced contains only those items from the original order that are vegetarian and that cost more than the given amount.

  3. Develop a function order-total. The function consumes an order and produces the total cost of the order (a number). When calculating the total cost, you should take into account the quantity of each item ordered.

  4. Develop a function beverage-total that consumes an order and produces a number. The function calculates the cost of all beverages in the order (again, you should take quantities into account).

  5. Develop a function called cost-with-tip. The function consumes an order and a number representing the percent of the tip. The function produces the total cost of the order with the tip. When calculating the cost, the tip is applied only to non-beverage items.

What to Turn In

Here is the grade sheet that the TAs will use when they grade Homework 4.

Using web-based turnin, turn in a single file containing all code and documentation for this assignment. Follow the naming conventions for naming your file.