CS 1102 (A16): Accelerated Introduction to Program Design


Your first "assignment" is to complete the survey and choose a homework partner by midnight of the first Friday of the course (see details below)

Monday 8/29: Homework pairs will be posted to the myWPI discussion board (general announcements forum). For some good advice on pair programming from a former student in the course, see here, and also this amusing video).

There will be one homework due every week, usually on Thursday night (see below). No credit will be given for late assignments. (See full policy.)

All homeworks will be submitted electronically via turnin. You will receive your password before the first lecture of the course. Note that you may upload multiple copies of an assignment before the deadline---only the last one will be graded.

The individual project (details posted after midterm) has two deadlines:

See the Homework Expectations for details on how to prepare your assignments. The general grading guidelines shows the instructions we give the TAs for grading your assignments. Remember to adhere to the academic honesty and collaboration policy on all assignments.

Here's a sample format for assignments (extra functions over the same data model could go after the test cases for portable?)

Note: Some homeworks may not be posted until after previous homework due.