Lecture 18 Objectives

At the end of today's class you should



Sample Exam Question: Find the bug in the following program, which is supposed to read in a character, and output the next consecutive character (i.e. if the user inputs 'A', the program displays 'B'):

     .orig x3000
     in               ; TRAP x23 - char comes back in r0
     add r7, r0, #1   ; increment character
     lea r0, message  ; r0 gets address of message
     puts             ; TRAP x22 - message is displayed
     add r0, r7, #0   ; move the incremented char back to r0 for output
     out              ; TRAP x21 - display char in r0
     halt             ; TRAP x25

message   .stringz "Here is the incremented character:  "