CS 2102

Guidelines for Preparing Homework

General considerations

This is a large class, and there are many homework assignments to be graded each week. The course staff has procedures in place to help reduce the time needed to complete the grading of assignments. These procedures rely on students following instructions for preparing and submitting the homework assignments. If the graders need to handle your homework submission in a special way, you will lose points on that assignment. The penalty will be 20 points, or 25% of the total number of points for the assignment, whichever is smaller. The penalty will be applied for any violation of the instructions, including, but not limited to: The best way to avoid penalties for these kinds of violations is to complete your homework ahead of the the due date. Mistakes are more likely if you're submitting an assignment with only minutes to spare.

For each assignment, we'll provide a stub file for checking that your program compiles. Programs that do not compile against this file will not be graded.

Follow these guidelines in preparing your assignments

You do NOT need to:

Separating Tests from Code

Our autograding software will look for tests in files that have either Examples or Test in the filename (such as Examples.java, DilloTests.java, Hwk1ExamplesGood.java). Tests that are left in any other files will not get detected (and hence not get graded). Similarly, the autograder will not look for classes or methods in these tests files, so non-test classes in these files will not get graded. Please be sure to separate your code and your tests so that the grading software can find them. You will lose points for failing to set up your files as described here. Your files can be organized into any subdirectories that you wish.