CS2301 - B-term 12

Homework 1
Calculate the Perimeter and Area of a Triangle

Due: Tuesday, October 30 at 5pm

Read the expectations on homework. If you have requested a homework partner, you and your partner may work together on this and all subsequent homework assignments. Otherwise, this and all other homework assignments are to be done individually. The names and WPI usernames of the author(s) of all submitted files should be provided at the beginning of each file.


After successfully completing this assignment, you will be able to...

Before Starting

Read Chapters 1 and 2, and Chapter 9, sections 9.1 - 9.5, 9.8, and 9.10 - 9.12 in Deitel & Deitel.

The Assignment

Write a C program called triangle.c that does the following:

The formula for determining the length lAB of the line between points (xA, yA) and (xB, yB) is

 (xA -xB)2+(yA -yB)2 

If lAB, lBC, and lCA are the lengths of the three sides of a triangle, then the area of the triangle is

 s * (s - lAB) *(s - lBC) *(s - lCA)  

where s is half the perimeter of the triangle.

Include files

The sqrt() function returns the square root of its argument. The argument may be any non-negative numerical value, and the result returned by sqrt() is of type double. If the argument is negative, sqrt() fails with an error and the result is undefined.

The pow() function can be used for exponentiation. pow(x, y) computes x to the y power. There are some subtleties involved in using pow(), so an alternative way to square a number would be to simply multiply the number by itself. Either way is acceptable for this homework problem.

Note: When compiling a program that uses a function, such as sqrt() or pow(), from the math library, the compilation command needs to include the option -lm. For example:

gcc -Wall -lm hw1.c

Assumptions and Restrictions

The user may enter any real or integer values for the x- and y-coordinates of each of the three points of the triangle; you may assume that the three points entered do indeed form a triangle (i.e. the three points may not all be on the same line). Do not use loops, conditionals, arrays, user-defined functions (other than main) or any other constructs/statements that haven't yet been covered in class.

Sample Execution

Enter the x-coordinate of point A:  1.05
Enter the y-coordinate of point A:  2
Enter the x-coordinate of point B:  1.115e+2
Enter the y-coordinate of point B:  21.1
Enter the x-coordinate of point C:  -25
Enter the y-coordinate of point C:  -3.14159265358979323846

Length of AB is 112.089
Length of BC is 138.636
Length of CA is 26.553
Perimeter is 277.278
Area is 35.181


Write a short text file called README.txt that summarizes your program, how to run it, and details any assumptions you made (other than the assumption listed above) or problems you had. (You can use kwrite to create your README.txt file.)

Make sure both your C source code file and your README.txt file contain the name(s) and WPI username(s) of the author(s) of the files.

Submit your C source code file and your README.txt file to web-based turnin no later than 5pm on October 30. The name of the turnin project is Homework 1. Programs submitted after 5pm on October 30 will be tagged as late, and will be subject to the late homework policy.


This assignment is worth 15 points. Your program must compile without errors using the gcc compiler in order to receive any credit. It is suggested that before you submit your program, compile it again one more time to be sure it compiles correctly. The 15 points will be allocated as follows: