Kweelt XML Query Engine Download

Kweelt Installation Guide
(revised to run on CCC accounts at WPI)

The Kweelt Engine developed by UPenn can be downloaded from their home page. Or, a simple way is to download all the jar files (zipped) from here.

Here is the instruction to get it work:

  • suppose you are using unix for this purpose. you download the zipped jar file kweeltincluds.tgz, type "gtar xvfz kweeltincluds.tgz" to unzip it under a directory, say /home/your_username/lib/. You can see 9 .jar files: rt.jar, dtdparser113.jar, kweelt_2000-09-27.jar, jakarta-regexp-1.1.jar, xerces.jar, xmlparserv2.jar, aelfred.jar, cocoon.jar, servlet.jar. Set up the CLASSPATH to include them all. For example, you can download this setclasspath.txt file, make some changes about the path and add a line into your ~/.cshrc file [ie, the .cshrc file is in your home directory]. Then type "source .cshrc" to activate CLASSPATH.
  • when setting up Kweelt, either use javacc to generate from QuiltParser.jj. Or, you could instead download already the generated from here. . Once you have downloaded, you need to put this filet under the source code directory of xacute/quilt

  • then you should download some example Quilt queries from here . After you retrieve the compressed file, then type "gunzip use-cases.tar.gz" to de-compress and then "tar xvf use-cases.tar" to unzip it. Thereafter, you will see that some typical Quilt queries are now located under kweelt/AdvancedExamples/Movies
  • to test out queries, type "java -classpath $CLASSPATH xacute.quilt.Main your_query", for example, your_query can be kweelt/AdvancedExamples/Movies/ best_directors.qlt. .

Instructions created by Li Chen.