Silicon Valley Project Center, 2003

Information for Sponsors


The Silicon Valley Project Center was founded by WPI in 1999 to give its students an opportunity to experience the unique technology environment of Silicon Valley.  The first student projects were conducted during C-Term (January – March) 2000, with three projects and nine students.  Since then, we have conducted projects in Silicon Valley every year, with a total of 14 projects and 41 students.


The projects, called Major Qualifying Projects (MQPs), are generally performed by fourth-year undergraduates.  The usual arrangement is to have a group of three students work on a single project.  In addition, a WPI faculty member is involved in the project as a faculty advisor.  For the coming academic year, the Silicon Valley projects are scheduled for nine weeks, from early January through mid-March 2003.  The students work full-time at the sponsor’s site during this period.


We are looking for high-level projects that will expose our students to challenging technical issues.  Since they will be only a few weeks away from graduating, they are capable of the sort of technical assignments that you might give to new hires.


The sponsoring organization, working with a faculty member from WPI, defines the project.  The sponsor also identifies a mentor who provides the technical leadership to the project students.  The students are expected to work independently, so the time requirements for the mentor are not excessive.  The mentor would not be involved in grading the students, although he or she would be in touch with the faculty advisor to provide feedback on the progress of the project.


The students are not paid for their participation in the project, since they are receiving academic credit.  Instead, we ask the sponsoring company to pay a project fee to WPI to support the students' expenses and the running of the Project Center.  WPI arranges for the students’ housing and transportation, and for activities outside of their project work.  In addition, a WPI faculty member is in residence at the Silicon Valley Project Center for the entire project period.


The first step in sponsoring a project is an expression of interest. Since it may be too early to provide specific project descriptions, at first it would be enough to indicate that you are interested in sponsoring a project (or several) for students in a particular academic field.  Then we would be able to proceed with recruiting students for the projects.


Once we have brief project descriptions (a few sentences) of the projects you would be interested in proposing, we will identify an appropriate WPI faculty member who would then work with you to expand these brief descriptions to a one-page description of the projects and to determine the necessary background of the students.


Here is the timeline for the rest of the project work.  We would like to confirm your interest in sponsoring a project no later than the summer of 2002, and have project descriptions finalized by early October, 2002.  During the period of late October to December, 2002, the students will engage in preliminary project work at WPI.  Working with their faculty advisor, they will contact you to make sure that they understand the project description and to ask any questions they have about the project.  During this preliminary phase, the students will research the general area of the project, study any background material they need for the project, and create a roughly ten-page project proposal.  This proposal will describe a design for the project work and an approach to completing it.  Both the faculty advisor and the company mentor will be involved with the proposal.  With this preliminary work completed, the students will be ready to begin work on their project when they arrive in Silicon Valley in January 2003.


Additional information, including links to summaries of previous projects, is available at

The WPI Sponsored Student Project Agreement, to be executed by WPI and the project sponsor, is available at



Contact information:


Prof. David Finkel

Director, Silicon Valley Project Center

Department of Computer Science

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Worcester, MA 01609

Telephone: (508) 831-5416

Fax:           (508) 831-5776
