Worcester Polytechnic Institute Java3D
Extreme Graphical Simplification

Project Data

Original Bunny Model Original Dragon Model
The orginal 3D mesh models.

Original Bunny Model with Billboards Original Dragon Model with Billboards
The orginal 3D mesh models displayed with the optimal set of billboards.

Original Bunny Model with 1 Billboard Original Dragon Model with 1 Billboard
The orginal 3D mesh models displayed with one billboard each. The red area represents the faces on the models affected by that specific billboard.

Billboard Representation Bunny Low Error Billboard Representation Dragon Low Error
The billboard clouds representation of the original models. These representations have a low error metric which increases the number of billboards and thus, creates more detail. However, due to a Java restriction, we are only able to display the first 50 billboards. Therefore, many of the holds in these representations should be filled by the remaining billboards.

Billboard Representation Bunny High Error Billboard Representation Dragon High Error
The billboard clouds representation of the orginal models. These representations have a high error metric which decreases the number of billboards and thus, creates less detail.

Billboard Representation Bunny Low Error No Lighting Billboard Representation Dragon Low Error No Lighting
The same as the high error metric billboard clouds models above, except with lighting disabled.

Billboard Representation Bunny High Error Billboard Representation Dragon High Error
The same as the low error metric billboard clouds models above, except with lighting disabled.