Charles Moidel

CS 563


Project Proposal


        I’d like to implement a spectral ray tracer to render bubble interference and then possibly adapt it to run in real-time through an API such as Microsoft Direct 3D.  I think I can use the ray tracer as a pre-process step to generate a data set that can be used as a lookup in D3D.


Most of this work has been done before.  I plan to implement the project in the following phases:

1.    A simple ray tracer to render a sphere.

2.    A method/algorithm for converting spectral information to RGB.

3.    A spectral ray tracer to render a sphere at multiple wavelengths.

4.    A spectral ray tracer to render thin film interference on a sphere.

5.    A tool to generate data sets (possibly in the form of textures) from the spectral ray tracer.

6.    A D3D application that renders a sphere polygon mesh using the generated data sets to determine the color at each pixel.


I’m sure that phases 1 to 4 have been done before.  I am not sure if phases 5 and 6 have been done before.  I have seen a real-time application that renders bubbles, but I’m pretty sure that the effect was simulated and not based on real spectral information.


        I do not plan to use any existing source at this time.  As deliverables, I hope to generate one application that ray traces bubbles and one application that renders bubbles in real-time. 


However, it is very possible that I will not be able to complete this entire project before the end of the semester.