WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 563 Spring Semester, 2003
Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics

Course Overview

The goal of this course is to expose students to a wide range of state-of-the-art research, techniques, and systems in the field of computer graphics. The format of the course will consist of weekly seminars, where each student will be responsible for presenting 3-4 seminars AND participating in seminars other than his or her own. There will also be a final project but no exams. Students will be graded on the quality of their presentations, accompanying write-up, participation in classroom discussions, and their final project. The final project will entail rendering a 3D image using at least one of the techniques learned in the class.

General Information

Lectures: KH-207, Thursday, 6pm - 8.50pm

Instructor: Prof. Emmanuel Agu, FL-139, 508-831-5568, emmanuel@cs.wpi.edu
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 2:00PM - 3:00PM, Thursday 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Others by appointment

Text: There will be no text for this class. Selected papers will be assigned from the computer graphics literature. Please see bibliography (schedule) section below. Students should also perform a literature search to find more relevant papers.

Facilities: Presentations may be done using in Microsoft Powerpoint or any other presentation software. The following powerpoint template should be used for making your slides. Powerpoint Template This is done to ensure that all presentations have the same look and feel.

The final class project will be done using any available photorealistic 3D software package such as Blender, 3D Studio Max, Maya, Rayshade, PovRay, etc. Where necessary, high level programming languages like C, C++, java or any high level language, and graphics libraries like OpenGL or Mesa libraries may be used. Important: You are responsible for your final choice of platforms and tools for both the presentation and the project. However, no matter what platform you use for your project, you are responsible for making it work and demonstrating your work. If a piece of software which you would like to use is unavailable on the CCC machines, a reasonable effort will be made to install the software for you. If it is still not possible to install your requested software, you may have to use other available software.

Class Websites: The class website is at http://www.cs.wpi.edu/~emmanuel/courses/cs563/. A myWPI class website has also been set up. The discussion board should be used for asking questions to avoid excessive emails and so that everyone can benefit from answers given. Emails should be used for specific questions which are unique to you.

Grade Policy: 60% presentations (with accompanying write-ups and websites), 15% class participation and 25% final project


Papers will be presented from the list of topics in the schedule below. Students will choose to present from 3 or 4 of these areas. Topics will be assigned on a first come-first served basis. The class time will be broken in to two halves which cover two topics (or subtopics).

If there is a compelling argument, a student may be allowed to substitute (with my approval) an alternate topic which is found in current graphics literature for one of the topics in the schedule. In such a case, topics chosen may focus on a single algorithm, a comparison of algorithms, or an overview of a topic, language, or system. If one of your presentations focusses on a particular article or set of articles, you must provide me with a copy of each article at least 2 weeks prior to your presentation. Do not be too broad; I'd rather see you do a thorough job of covering a focussed topic rather than a shallow overview of a large field.


Week 1 (Week of 1//02): Introduction

  1. Class Overview and Introduction (Agu)

Week 2 (Week of 1//02): Realistic Ray Tracing

Monte Carlo Ray Tracing and Sampling
  1. Shirley P., "Realistic Ray Tracing", AK Peters Publishing 2000, Ch 11-12, pp. 81-104
Cameras, Soft Shadows, Path Tracing and Generalized Light Reflection
  1. Shirley P., "Realistic Ray Tracing", AK Peters Publishing 2000, Ch 14-17, pp. 113-145

Week 3 (Week of 1//02): Photon Mapping

Photon Mapping Part I: Overview and Photon Tracing
  1. Jensen H. W., "Realistic Image Synthesis using Photon Maps", AK Peters Publishers 2001, Ch. 4-6, pp. 51-75
Photon Mapping Part II: Applications
  1. Jensen H. W., "Realistic Image Synthesis using Photon Maps", AK Peters Publishers 2001, Ch. 8-10, pp. 85-137
  2. Jensen H.W. and Christensen P. H., "Efficient Simulation of Light Transport in Scenes with Participating Media using Photon Maps (ACM web-page)

Week 4 (Week of 1//02): Image-based Rendering

Intro and Light Fields
  1. McMillan L. and Gortler S,"Applications of Computer Vision to Computer Graphics: Image-Based Rendering - A New Interface Between Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Newsletter, vol 33, No. 4, November 1999 (html)
  2. Levoy M and Hanrahan P, "Light Field Rendering", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '96 (ACM PDF file)
  3. Gortler S. J. and Grzeszczuk R., Szeliski R., Cohen M. F., "The Lumigraph", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '96 (ACM PDF file)
View Interpolation and Image Warping
  1. Chen S E and Williams L, "View Interpolation for Image Synthesis", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '93 (ACM web-page)
  2. McMillan L, and Bishop, "Plenoptic Modeling: An Image-based Rendering System", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '95 (ACM web-page)
  3. Shade, Gortler, He and Szeliski, "Layered-Depth Images", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '98 (ACM web-page)

Week 5 (Week of 1//02): Bi-Directional Reflectance Functions (BRDFs)

BRDF Overview
  1. Rusinkiewicz S., "A Survey of BRDF Representation for Computer Graphics", Paper for CS 348C at Stanford U., Winter ;97 (Author paper page)
  2. Christophe Schlick, "A Survey of Shading and Reflectance Models", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 13, Number 2, Pages 121-132, June 1994 (Author paper page) (NEC citeseer page)
  3. Shirley P et al., "A Practitioners' Assessment of Light Reflection Models", Pacific Graphics '97 (Invited Paper) (Author paper page)
  4. Rusinkiewicz S., "A New Change of Variables for Efficient BRDF Representation", Eurographics Rendering Workshop, 1998 (Author paper page)
Virtual Gonioreflectometry
  1. Westin S. H., J.R. Arvo, K.E. Torrance, "Predicting Reflectance Functions from Complex Surfaces", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1992 Author's Paper Page (ACM paper page)
  2. Gondek J.S., Meyer, G.W., and Newman J.G, "Wavelength Dependent Reflectance Functions", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 (ACM paper page)
  3. Cabral B. et al, "Bidirectional Reflection Functions from Surface Bump Maps", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1987, pp 273-281 (ACM paper page)
  4. Meyer G W et al, "A Computer Graphic System for Rendering Gonio-Apparent Colors", Proc. AIC Congress 2001 (Author PDF file)

Week 6 (Week of 1//02): Acquiring Parameters for Rendering

Measurement and Direct Methods
  1. Ward, "Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1992 (ACM PDF file) (author's page)
  2. White D.R., Saunders P, Bonsey S.J., Van De Ven J, and Edgar H., "Reflectometer for Measuring the Bidirectional Reflectance of Rough Surfaces", Applied Optics 37:16, 1998 (Applied Optics Online Page)
  3. Dana, Ginneken, Nayar Koederink, "Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces", ACM Transactions of Graphics 18:1, 1999 (Author's .ps.gz file) (ACM page)
Image-based Techniques and Indirect Methods
  1. Debevec P., "Image-Based Lighting", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications March/April 2002, pp. 26-34 (Author PDF file)
  2. Yu, Debevec, Malik, Hawkins, "Inverse Global Illumination: Recovering Reflectance Models of Real Scenes from Photographs", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 (ACM paper page)
  3. Marschner S.R., Westin S.H., Lafortune P.F., and Torrance K.E., "Image-Based Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Measurement", Applied Optics 39: 16, 2000 (Applied Optics Online)

Week 7 (Week of 1//02): Wavelength-Dependent BRDF Representations (Diffraction, Interference, etc) and Surface Imperfections

Spectral BRDF Representations
  1. Shirley P., "Realistic Ray Tracing", AK Peters Publishing 2000, Ch 18, pp. 147-152
  2. Kate Devlin K et al, "State of The Art Report Tone Reproduction and Physically Based Spectral Rendering", EUROGRAPHICS 2002 STAR NEC Citeseer Page
  3. Rougeron G. and P'eroche B., "An adaptive representation of spectral data for reflectance computations", Rendering Techniques '97 (Proceedings of the Eighth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering) NEC Citeseer Page
  4. Sun Y et al, "Deriving Spectra from Colors and Rendering Light Interference", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, July/August 1999 IEEE CG&A Page
Surface Imperfections
  1. Dorsey J and Hanrahan P, "Digital Materials and Virtual Weathering", Scientific American, February 2000 html
  2. Hsu, Siu-Chi and Wong, "Simulating Dust Accumulation", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 1995 (15)1: 18-25 IEEE CG&A Page
  3. Jensen H.W., Legakis J and Dorsey J, "Rendering of Wet Materials", Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, June 1999, pp. 273-282 (Author Paper Page)

Week 8 Rendering Wavelength-Dependent Phenomena (Diffraction, Interference, etc)

  1. Gondek J.S., Meyer, G.W., and Newman J.G, "Wavelength Dependent Reflectance Functions", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 ACM Paper Page
  2. Glassner A, Soap Bubbles: Parts I & II, IEEE CG&A, 2000, Part I, IEEE CG&A Part II, IEEE CG&A
  1. Agu E. and Hill F.S., "Diffraction Shading Models for Iridescent Surfaces", IASTED VIIP 2002 Conference, Author PDF file
  2. Stam J, "Diffraction Shaders, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '99 ACM Paper Page
  3. Sun Y et al, "Rendering Iridescent Colors of Optical Disks", Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2000 Author PDF file

Week 9 (Week of 1//02): Rendering Humans I (Faces and Hair)

Faces and Skin
  1. Guenter, Grimm, Wood, Malvar and Pighin, "Making Faces", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1998 ACM Paper Page
  2. Pighin, Hecker Lischinski, Szeliski and Salesin, "Synthesizing Realistic Facial Expressions from Photographs", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1998 ACM Paper Page
  3. Blanz and Vetter, "A Morphable Model for the Synthesis of 3D Faces", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 ACM Paper Page
  4. M. J. C. V. Gemert, S. L. Jacques, H. J. C. M. Sternberg, W. M. Star, "Skin optics", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 36(12), 1146-1154, 1989. (IEEE pdf)
  5. N. M. Thalmann, S. Hadap, P. Kalra, State of the Art in Hair Simulation, International Workshop on Human Modeling and Animation, June 2000, Korea Computer Graphics Society, pp. 3-9 pdf file
  1. Anjyo, Ken-Ichi, Yoshiaki Usami, and Tsuneya Kurihara, "A Simple Method for Extracting the Natural Beauty of Hair", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1992 ACM Paper Page
  2. Watanabe, Yasuhiko, and Yasuhito Suenaga, "A Trigonal Prism-based Method for Hair Image Generation", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, January 1992: 47-53 IEEE CG&A Paper Page
  3. Lu R., Koederink J and Kappers A, "Specularities on Surfaces with Tangential Hairs and Grooves", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 2-7, 1999 IEEE pdf file
  4. Babic K, "Modeling Human Hair" CS 563 1999 Presentation Presentation Online

Week 10 (Week of 1//02): Rendering Nature I (Plants)

  1. Prusinkiewicz P et al,"The Algorithmic Beauty Of Plants", Springer-Verlag, 1992
  2. Weber, Jason and Joseph Penn, "Creation and Rendering of Realistic Trees", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1995 ACM Paper Page
  3. Baranoski G., Rokne J, and Shirley P., "A Simplified Model for Light Interaction with Plant Tissue", GraphiCon '98, pp. 154-161, 1998 PDF file
  4. Deussen et al, "Realistic Modeling and Rendering of Plant Ecosystems", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1998 ACM Paper Page

Week 11 (Week of 1//02): Rendering Nature II (Waves, Water and Seashells)

Waves, Water and Light-Water Interactions
  1. Nishita and Nakamae, "Method of Displaying Optical Effects Within Water using Accumulation Buffer", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1994, pp. 24-29 ACM Paper Page
  2. Watt M, "Light-Water Interaction using Backward Beam Tracing", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '90, pp. 377-385 ACM Paper Page
  3. Premoze S. and Ashikhimin, "Rendering Natural Waters", Proc. Pacific Graphics 2000, October 2000 Paper Page
  1. Fowler D.R, Meinhardt H., and Prusinkiew, "Modeling Seashells", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '92, pages 379-388 ACM Paper Page

Week 12 (Week of 1//02): Rendering Birds and Insects

Birds and Feathers
  1. Chen Y et al, "Modeling and rendering of realistic feathers ", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 ACM Paper Page
  2. Franco C.G. and Walter M., "Modeling and Rendering of Individual Feathers", Proc. SIBGRAPI 2002 PDF
  3. Franco C.G. and Walter M., "Modeling the Structure of Feathers", Proc. SIBGRAPI 2001 pdf
Butterflies and Insects
  1. Lied T.P. and Walter M., "Procedural Butterfly Wing Patterns", Proc. SIBGRAPI 2002 PDF
  2. Wen-Kai Dai et al, "Fractal Pattern for a Butterfly Wing Pattern", The Visual Computer, 11(4): 177-187, 1995

Week 13 (Week of 1//02): Project Presentations

Week 14 (Week of 1//02): Project Presentations

Summary of Presenters (with HTML slides)

  1. Ray Tracing Part I    (D. Mooney)     (slides)
  2. Ray Tracing Part II    (Zack Waters)     (slides)
  3. Photon mapping Part I    (Zack Waters)
  4. Photon mapping Part II    (Curt Fergusson)
  5. Image-based rendering (intro and light fields)    (Cliff Lindsay)
  6. Image-based rendering (view interpolation and image warping)    (Brad Goodwin)
  7. BRDFs (overview)    (Chuck Moidel)
  8. BRDFs (Virtual gonioreflectometry)    (guy Mann)
  9. Acquiring rendering parameters (measurement)    (Zack Waters)
  10. Acquiring rendering parameters (IBR techniques)    (Guy Mann)
  11. Spectral BRDFs    (Cliff Lindsay)
  12. Surface imperfections    (Curt Fergusson)
  13. Interference    (Chuck Moidel)
  14. Diffraction    (Daniel Mooney)
  15. Human faces and skin    (Brad Goodwin)
  16. Human hair    (Curt Fergusson)
  17. Rendering nature (plants)    (Cliff Lindsay)
  18. Rendering nature (waves, water)    (Daniel Mooney)
  19. Seashells    (Chuck Moidel)
  20. Birds, feathers    (Brad Goodwin)
  21. Butterflies and insects    (Guy Mann)

Presentation Format

Students must come prepared with transparencies, slides, videos, handouts, and any other instructional aid determined to be useful in presenting the material. Computer demonstrations are encouraged for applicable topics. If you need any computer or projection facilities for your presentation, see me about making the arrangements. The presentation should last approximately 45 minutes, followed by approximately 30 minutes of questions and informal discussions with a 15 minute break between topics. If your presentation is based on a section of the text, you should mention this at least one week prior to your talk to allow students time to read the appropriate pages. Likewise, if the class would benefit from reading an article prior to your presentation, please provide copies of the article at least one week prior to your talk.

Other Guidelines

In chosing a topic, you might want to consider (at least for your first talk) an area in which you already have some interest and/or knowledge to help you quickly focus your efforts. You should highlight any supplemental material which you discover in your literature search. for the benefit of those interested in pursuing your topic further. I expect each student to spend a minimum of 20 hours preparing each talk. Remember, most of your grade for this course is in your presentations and accompanying write-ups, and most weeks you will only spend a few hours reading for other people's talks. Also note that a reading list with key papers has been provided for all topics which should minimize time which you spend on a literature search. This leaves a lot of time to do your work, so there is no excuse for shoddy work. Each write-up, consisting of a 1-3 page summary of your presentation, should be turned in within 2 weeks of the corresponding talk, and definitely prior to the end of the term. The write-up should be done in HTML so that it may be added to the WWW repository for this course. See the reports from previous years (1995, 1997 and 1999) for examples of acceptable formats.


Students will be expected to do a project as part of their course requirements. They will be expected to create a photorealistic image of a 3D scene. Typically, they will use a photorealistic rendering package like blender or rayshade, etc. to create a 3D scene and then implement one of the algorithms or techniques they have learned in the class. This may be either a technique which they have presented or one which someone has presented in this class. All students will email me a preliminary half-page write-up of their proposed final project by March 31, 2003. Students will also make available source code for their project implementation and during their presentation, give adequate insight into their implementation.

Presentation Summaries

  1. Presentations from 1995 class
  2. Presentations from 1997 class
  3. Presentations from 1999 class

Text Resources

  1. text books
  2. journals
  3. conference proceedings
  4. articles referenced in 1995 talks
  5. articles referenced in 1997 talks

Software Resources

Web Sites of Interest

  • LED Modeling Leaf Optical Properties

    News Groups of Interest

    • comp.graphics
    • comp.graphics.visualization
    • comp.graphics.animation
    • comp.graphics.digest
    • comp.graphics.data-explorer
    • comp.graphics.avs
    • comp.soft-sys.khoros
    • sci.virtual-worlds
    • sci.image.processing
    • comp.sys.sgi

    Main OpenGL Web Resources

    Miscellaneous OpenGL Web Resources

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