CS 563

Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics

Image-based Techniques and Indirect Methods



by Guy Mann

            Image based lighting is a technique used to give 3d objects realistic reflections to make them appear to be within a stored image.  IBL works by capturing real-world illumination as an omnidirectional, high dynamic range image and mapping the illumination onto a representation of the environment.  A 3D object is placed inside the environment simulating the light from the environment illuminating the computer graphics object


To perform IBL the graphics engine must map a Light Probe Image to a large sphere surrounding the model.  When a ray hits the IBL environment it takes on the pixel value of the corresponding point in the light probe image.  Thus when the raytracing is performed any rays which travel from the camera to the object then reflect onto the environment sphere will cause the object to show a reflection of the point where the ray hit environment on the objects surface.  This gives the object the appearance of being in the scene.


It is necessary, in order to map the image to a sphere, to use a specific type of image called a light probe.  Light probe images capture all the light in a 360 degree rotation and represent this light in such a way as to make the mapping of the light probe onto the sphere simple.    Light probe images are usually created from multiple images to give an exacting account for all the light in the scene.  It is possible to use a single image as a light probe.  To do this a

single high dynamic range image is taken of a mirrored ball.  The ease of this method has the drawback that the image will show the camera and the photographer and that the light is not well sampled in the area that is opposite the camera.

            The other assertion about the image other than it being a light probe was that it had high dynamic range.  The

dynamic range” of a scene is the contrast ratio between the brightest and darkest part.  A high dynamic range or HDR image has a greater dynamic range than shown on a standard device.  In this type of image the pixel values are proportional to the amount of light in the world corresponding to the pixel.  To create an HDR image typically multiple normal images of the same scene with different light intensities are combined.



            IBL can also be used to give a real set of objects the appearance of being part of a scene just as before we used it to place rendered object in a scene.  This is done by taking a large set of images of the object as illuminated by all possible directions.  The linear combination of the images can produce images under arbitrary lighting conditions.  The IBL environment determines the combination of the images by defining the location and color of incoming light and thus constraining the linear combination of the photos of the objects being lit.


It is possible to measure the physical BRDF of a material without a gonioreflectometer using image based BRDF measurement.  This technique uses fewer measurements to define the BRDF than a gonioreflectometer and is less expensive to setup.  However the draw back is that it is only possible to perform measurements on surfaces which can be placed on the geometry of a physical sphere, such as coatings or sheets of flexible material.  The physical setup involves a fixed position primary camera, a light source, a secondary camera for position measurement, a sample, and photometric targets on the sample container.  The sample is a sphere which can be painted with a coating or a flexible sheet wrapped into a cylinder around the sphere.


The mechanism for measurement works by photographing the sphere from a fixed position and illuminating the sample from a sequence of known positions.  The light sources position is variable so the exact position of the light source is measured using a secondary camera.  The image is capture by setting up and determining the fixed position of your primary camera.  The secondary camera is aimed at the sample and mounted below the light source to image the photometric targets.  The shutter on the primary camera is opened.  The opening of the shutter on the secondary camera triggers the flash which provides the light for the picture.  This acquires the light location measurement and the measurement image at exactly the same time.


            To extract the BRDF from this type of setup 32 measurement images were taken from the primary camera or 96 when three filters are used for RGB.  Also 32 light source calibration images from the second camera were used for finding the light position for each measurement image.  Using the targets visible in the calibration images to establish the poses of the secondary camera the light source position is computed.  The samples position is found by taking the image of the test sample in one of the photographs from the primary camera and using its size and position to determine the sample’s position.  Finally to determine the BRDF the images are sampled using the known geometry to obtain measurements which will define the surface’s BRDF.


            The photometric targets which are used to determine the light position are mounted on the base on the sample.  The targets have a known 3D position relative to the sample and the primary camera and so by analyzing the light location measurement image the position of the secondary camera and thus the light source can be determined.  This method is accurate to a few millimeters.  The sampling of the images to extract the BRDF is done by processing each image individually.  First the surface point and the normal of the sphere is determined for each pixel.  The direction of illumination is computed relative to the surface point and the normal  and the relative irradiance is computed from the known source geometry.  Then by dividing the radiance from the pixel value by the computed irradiance we can find the BRDF.


The goal of inverse global illumination is to model a real world scene with a realistic reflectance properties, from images of the scene, which can be given novel lighting conditions or have 3D objects placed in it.  The technique works by

 estimating the incident radiances of the surfaces in a scene.  With the radiance estimates the reflectance properties of the surfaces in the scene are estimated by an iterative procedure.  Reflectance property estimates can then be used re-estimate the incident radiances.  The

input to the algorithm is: the geometric model of the scene, a set of radiance maps taken under known direct illumination, a partitioning of the scene into areas of similar non-diffuse reflectance properties used to estimate the reflectance properties of the surfaces in the scene by an iterative procedure.  This means that to perform inverse global illumination we need a full geometric model of the scene as well as a set of photos of every surface with a spectral highlight on it and photographs of the whole scene.  Inverse global illumination is based on inverse radiosity.  With inverse radiosity we can determine the diffuse portion of the reflections within the scene.  Inverse radiosity works by

Breaking the surfaces in the environment into a finite number of patches.  Each patch is assumed to have constant radiosity and diffuse albedo.  For each patch:

Text Box: Bi = Ei + ρiΣjBjFij
Bi is the radiosity
Ei is the emission
ρi is the diffuse albedo
Fij is the form factor between the patches 					(total power leaving patch i that is received by patch j)

Bi and Ei are measured from a photo with known geometry. Fij is derived from the geometry.  So we can find the diffuse portion of the reflection: ρi = (Bi - Ei)/(ΣjBjFij).  Once we can determine the diffuse portion of the reflection for the surfaces we are left to find a method of defining the spectral reflections.


            To find the spectral term we will first talk about a method for determining the spectral reflection of a surface when it is directly illuminated.  Once we have this information we can use the spectral information to understand the case of mutual illumination with both spectral and diffuse reflections.  To recover the specular parameters the radiance image must cover an area with a specular highlight or we will not have enough information.  To find the BRDF of the surfaces in the scene with both spectral and diffuse reflection taken into account we use the following equations.

Li = (ρd/π + ρsK(α,Θi))Ii

Li is the radiance;

Ii is the irradiance;

ρd/π is the diffuse term

ρsK(α,Θi) is the specular term

α is the parameterized surface roughness

Θi is the azimuth of the incident and viewing directions

From the data from the images collected we can solve the nonlinear optimization problem and get parameters for ρs, ρd and α.  With these diffuse and spectral terms we can then go about determining the mutual illumination because we can determine how the light bounces off all the surfaces in the scene.



            To find the

BRDF of the surfaces in the mutual illumination case we use the methods for finding the illumination of the surfaces in the direct illumination case, the on above.  We use the direct illumination case as the initial estimates of the BRDFs of the surfaces.  From the initial conditions we iterate through the surfaces recalculating the BRDFs for the surfaces based on the amount of illumination the surface acquires from the reflections off other surfaces.







1.Debevec P., “Image-Based Lighting”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications March/April 2002, pp. 26-34

2.Yu, Debevec, Malik, Hawkins, "Inverse Global Illumination: Recovering Reflectance Models of Real Scenes from Photographs", Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 1999

3.Marschner S.R., Westin S.H., Lafortune P.F., and Torrance K.E., "Image-Based Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Measurement", Applied Optics 39: 16, 2000