WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

Mobile Adaptive Distributed Graphics Pipeline (MADGRAF) Project Page


MADGRAF is investigating proprietary architectures which enable heterogeneous mobile hosts with varied resources (memory, CPU, power, etc) to render large geometric models with high polygon counts. The architectures explored will typically be designed around scalability and communication and involve some distribution of work over multiple commodity machines based on their resources. In addition to the architectural techniques, we will also look at integrating adaptive graphics pipeline techniques including culling, polygon simplification taking into account required level-of-detail and mesh compression (and encoding) techniques to account for low bandwidth (high error) links. Other techniques being explored includes intelligent caching. Finally prototypes of representative applications of this framework will be developed including visualization, location-aware applications and mobile gaming.


Bibliography (limited access)


Current MADGRAF Prototype Implementation

PowerSpy Presentation

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