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Window styles

Window styles are used to specify alternative behaviour and appearances for windows, when they are created. The symbols are defined in such as way that they can be combined in a 'bit list' using the bitwise-or operator, as found in C and C++. In CLIPS, you enclose this bit list in a string. For example:

wxFrame styles
wxDialogBox styles
wxItem styles
wxButton styles
wxGauge styles
wxGroupBox styles
wxListBox styles
wxMessage styles
wxSlider styles
wxText/wxMultiText styles
wxTextWindow styles
wxPanel styles
wxCanvas styles
wxToolBar styles

wxFrame styles

The following styles apply to wxFrame windows.

wxICONIZE Display the frame iconized (minimized) (Windows only).
wxCAPTION Puts a caption on the frame (Windows and XView only).
wxMDI_CHILD Specifies a Windows MDI (multiple document interface) child frame.
wxMDI_PARENT Specifies a Windows MDI (multiple document interface) parent frame.
wxMINIMIZE Identical to wxICONIZE.
wxMINIMIZE_BOX Displays a minimize box on the frame (Windows and Motif only).
wxMAXIMIZE Displays the frame maximized (Windows only).
wxMAXIMIZE_BOX Displays a maximize box on the frame (Windows and Motif only).
wxSDI Specifies a normal SDI (single document interface) frame.
wxSTAY_ON_TOP Stay on top of other windows (Windows only).
wxSYSTEM_MENU Displays a system menu (Windows and Motif only).
wxTHICK_FRAME Displays a thick frame around the window (Windows and Motif only).
wxRESIZE_BORDER Displays a resizeable border around the window (Motif only).
wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ Under Windows 3.1, displays a small horizontal caption if USE_ITSY_BITSY is set to 1 in wx_setup.h and the Microsoft ItsyBitsy library has been compiled. Use instead of wxCAPTION.
wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT Under Windows 3.1, displays a small vertical caption if USE_ITSY_BITSY is set to 1 in wx_setup.h and the Microsoft ItsyBitsy library has been compiled. Use instead of wxCAPTION.

wxDialogBox styles

The following styles apply to wxDialogBox windows.

wxCAPTION Puts a caption on the dialog box (Motif only).
wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE Equivalent to a combination of wxCAPTION, wxSYSTEM_MENU and wxTHICK_FRAME
wxRESIZE_BORDER Display a resizeable frame around the window (Motif only).
wxSYSTEM_MENU Display a system menu (Motif only).
wxTHICK_FRAME Display a thick frame around the window (Motif only).
wxUSER_COLOURS Under Windows, overrides standard control processing to allow setting of the dialog box background colour.
wxVSCROLL Give the dialog box a vertical scrollbar (XView only).

wxItem styles

The following styles apply to all wxItem derived windows.

wxHORIZONTAL_LABEL The item will be created with a horizontal label.
wxVERTICAL_LABEL The item will be created with a vertical label.
wxFIXED_LENGTH Allows the values of a column of items to be left-aligned. Create an item with this style, and pad out your labels with spaces to the same length. The item labels will initially created with a string of identical characters, positioning all the values at the same x-position. Then the real label is restored.

wxButton styles

There are no styles specific to wxButton.

wxGauge styles

The following styles apply to wxGauge items.

wxGA_HORIZONTAL The item will be created as a horizontal gauge.
wxGA_VERTICAL The item will be created as a vertical gauge.
wxGA_PROGRESSBAR Under Windows 95, the item will be created as a horizontal progress bar.

wxGroupBox styles

There are no styles specific to wxGroupBox.

wxListBox styles

The following styles apply to wxListBox items.

wxNEEDED_SB Create scrollbars if needed.
wxALWAYS_SB Create scrollbars immediately.
wxLB_SINGLE Single-selection list.
wxLB_MULTIPLE Multiple-selection list.
wxLB_EXTENDED Extended-selection list (Motif only).
wxHSCROLL Create horizontal scrollbar if contents are too wide (Windows only).

wxMessage styles

There are no styles specific to wxMessage.


The following styles apply to wxRadioBox items.

wxVERTICAL Lays the radiobox out in columns.
wxHORIZONTAL Lays the radiobox out in rows.

wxSlider styles

The following styles apply to wxSlider items.

wxHORIZONTAL The item will be created as a horizontal slider.
wxVERTICAL The item will be created as a vertical slider.

wxText/wxMultiText styles

The following styles apply to wxText and wxMultiText items.

wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER The callback function will receive the event wxEVENT_TYPE_TEXT_ENTER_COMMAND. Note that this will break tab traversal for this panel item under Windows. Single-line text only.
wxTE_PASSWORD The text will be echoed as asterisks. Single-line text only.
wxTE_READONLY The text will not be user-editable.
wxHSCROLL A horizontal scrollbar will be displayed. If wxHSCROLL is omitted, only a vertical scrollbar is displayed, and lines will be wrapped. This parameter is ignored under XView. Multi-line text only.

wxTextWindow styles

The following styles apply to wxTextWindow objects.

wxBORDER Use this style to draw a thin border in Windows 3 (non-native implementation only).
wxNATIVE_IMPL Use this style to allow editing under Windows 3.1, albeit with a 64K limitation.
wxREADONLY Use this style to disable editing.
wxHSCROLL Use this style to enable a horizontal scrollbar, or leave it out to allow line wrapping. Windows and Motif only.

wxPanel styles

The following styles apply to wxPanel windows.

wxBORDER Draws a thin border around the panel.
wxUSER_COLOURS Under Windows, overrides standard control processing to allow setting of the panel background colour.
wxVSCROLL Gives the dialog box a vertical scrollbar (XView only).

wxCanvas styles

The following styles apply to wxCanvas windows.

wxBORDER Gives the canvas a thin border (Windows 3 and Motif only).
wxRETAINED Gives the canvas a wxWindows-implemented backing store, making repainting much faster but at a potentially costly memory premium (XView and Motif only).

wxToolBar styles

The following styles apply to wxToolBar objects.

wxTB_3DBUTTONS Gives a 3D look to the buttons, but not to the same extent as wxButtonBar.