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Using wxCLIPS functions

wxCLIPS is really an interface to a C++ library, wxWindows. In wxWindows, each GUI entity is an object, with member functions associated with the object's class.

wxCLIPS has to use functions, so most functions take an integer identifier used as the handle of the object and returned from its creation function. Function names are comprised of the type of GUI element followed by the actual function name (corresponding to the C++ member function). Examples are check-box-set-value and frame-set-menu-bar. In C++, these are defined as wxCheckBox::SetValue and wxFrame::SetMenuBar respectively.

Creation functions are of the form 'GUI element'-create, and return the ID of the new object.

The following program shows off some of the wxCLIPS GUI capabilities, by create a frame with a panel and various panel items,

;;; hello.clp
;;; Shows how a frame may be created, with a menu bar and
;;; panel, using low-level windows functions.
;;; Load using -clips <file> on the command line or using the Batch
;;; or Load commands from the CLIPS development window; type
;;; (app-on-init) to start.

(defglobal ?*main-frame* = 0)
(defglobal ?*subframe* = 0)
(defglobal ?*panel* = 0)
(defglobal ?*canvas* = 0)
(defglobal ?*text-win* = 0)
(defglobal ?*hand-cursor* = 0)

(defglobal ?*small_font* = 0)
(defglobal ?*green_pen* = 0)
(defglobal ?*black_pen* = 0)
(defglobal ?*red_pen* = 0)
(defglobal ?*cyan_brush* = 0)

(defglobal ?*xpos* = -1.0)
(defglobal ?*ypos* = -1.0)

(defglobal ?*bitmap* = 0)
(defglobal ?*button-bitmap* = 0)
(defglobal ?*icon* = 0)

;;; Sizing callback
(deffunction on-size (?id ?w ?h)
 (if (and (neq ?id 0) (neq ?*panel* 0) (neq ?*text-win* 0)) then
  (bind ?client-width (window-get-client-width ?id))
  (bind ?client-height (window-get-client-height ?id))
  (window-set-size ?*panel* 0 0 ?client-width (* ?client-height 0.666))
  (window-set-size ?*text-win* 0 (* ?client-height 0.666) ?client-width (/ ?client-height 3))

;;; Utility function for drawing a bitmap
(deffunction draw-bitmap (?dc ?bitmap ?x ?y)
 (bind ?mem-dc (memory-dc-create))
 (memory-dc-select-object ?mem-dc ?bitmap)
 ; Blit the memory device context onto the destination device context
 (dc-blit ?dc ?x ?y (bitmap-get-width ?bitmap) (bitmap-get-height ?bitmap)
   ?mem-dc 0.0 0.0)
 (dc-delete ?mem-dc)

(deffunction draw-graphics (?dc)
  (if (> ?*bitmap* 0) then
   (draw-bitmap ?dc ?*bitmap* 0.0 250.0))

  (dc-set-font ?dc ?*small_font*)
  (dc-set-pen ?dc ?*green_pen*)
  (dc-draw-line ?dc 0.0 0.0 200.0 200.0)
  (dc-draw-line ?dc 200.0 0.0 0.0 200.0)

  (dc-set-pen ?dc ?*red_pen*)
  (dc-set-brush ?dc ?*cyan_brush*)
  (dc-draw-rectangle ?dc 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0)
  (dc-draw-rounded-rectangle ?dc 150.0 150.0 100.0 50.0)

  (dc-set-clipping-region ?dc 150.0 150.0 100.0 50.0)
  (dc-draw-text ?dc "This text should be clipped within the rectangle" 150.0 170.0)
  (dc-destroy-clipping-region ?dc)

  (dc-draw-ellipse ?dc 250.0 250.0 100.0 50.0)
  (dc-draw-spline ?dc (mv-append 50.0 200.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 10.0))
  (dc-draw-line ?dc 50.0 230.0 200.0 230.0)
  (dc-draw-text ?dc "This is a test string" 50.0 230.0)

;;; Painting callback
(deffunction on-paint (?id)
 (if (neq ?id 0) then
  (bind ?dc (canvas-get-dc ?id))
  (draw-graphics ?dc)

(deffunction on-event (?canvas ?event)
  (bind ?dc (canvas-get-dc ?canvas))
  (dc-set-pen ?dc ?*black_pen*)
  (bind ?x (mouse-event-position-x ?event))
  (bind ?y (mouse-event-position-y ?event))
  (bind ?dragging (mouse-event-dragging ?event))
  (if (and (> ?*xpos* -1) (> ?*ypos* -1) (> ?dragging 0)) then
   (dc-draw-line ?dc ?*xpos* ?*ypos* ?x ?y)
  (bind ?*xpos* ?x)
  (bind ?*ypos* ?y)

(deffunction on-close (?frame)
 (format t "Closing frame.%n")
 (window-delete ?*subframe*)
 (bind ?*panel* 0)
 (bind ?*text-win* 0)

(deffunction on-menu-command (?frame ?id)
 (switch ?id
  (case 200 then (message-box "CLIPS for wxWindows Demo
by Julian Smart (c) 1993" wxOK 1 0 "About wxWindows CLIPS Demo"))
  (case 3 then (if (on-close ?frame) then (window-delete ?frame)))
  (case 1 then 
    (bind ?file (file-selector "Choose a text file to load"))
    (if (neq ?file "") then
     (text-window-load-file ?*text-win* ?file)))
  (case 4 then
    (bind ?dc (postscript-dc-create "" 1))
    (if (and (> ?dc 0) (= (dc-ok ?dc) 1)) then
     (if (= (dc-start-doc ?dc "Printing") 1) then
       (dc-start-page ?dc)
       (draw-graphics ?dc)
       (dc-end-page ?dc)
       (dc-end-doc ?dc)
    (if (> ?dc 0) then (dc-delete ?dc))

;;; Button callback
(deffunction frame-button-proc (?id)
 (bind ?parent (window-get-parent ?id))
 (bind ?grandparent (window-get-parent ?parent))
 (format t "Pressed button %d%n" ?id)
 (message-box "Hello")

;;; Text callback
(deffunction text-callback (?id)
 (bind ?event-id (panel-item-get-command-event))
 (if (eq "wxEVENT_TYPE_TEXT_ENTER_COMMAND" (event-get-event-type ?event-id)) then
  (format t "The text was %s%n" (text-get-value ?id))

;;; Radiobox callback
(deffunction radio-box-callback (?id)

;;; Test program to create a frame
(deffunction app-on-init ()
  (unwatch all)
  (if (= ?*small_font* 0) then
    (bind ?*small_font* (font-create 10 wxSWISS wxNORMAL wxNORMAL 0))
    (bind ?*green_pen* (pen-create GREEN 1 wxSOLID))
    (bind ?*black_pen* (pen-create BLACK 1 wxSOLID))
    (bind ?*red_pen* (pen-create RED 3 wxSOLID))
    (bind ?*cyan_brush* (brush-create CYAN wxSOLID))
    (bind ?*hand-cursor* (cursor-create "wxCURSOR_HAND"))
    (if (eq "Windows 3.1" (get-platform)) then
     (bind ?*bitmap* (bitmap-load-from-file "wxwin.bmp"))
     (bind ?*button-bitmap* (bitmap-load-from-file "aiai.bmp"))
     (bind ?*icon* (icon-load-from-file "aiai.ico" "wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO"))

  (bind ?*main-frame* (frame-create 0 "Hello wxCLIPS!" -1 -1 500 460))
  (frame-create-status-line ?*main-frame*)
  (frame-set-status-text ?*main-frame* "Welcome to wxCLIPS")
  (if (> ?*icon* 0) then
   (frame-set-icon ?*main-frame* ?*icon*)

  (window-add-callback ?*main-frame* OnSize on-size)
  (window-add-callback ?*main-frame* OnClose on-close)
  (window-add-callback ?*main-frame* OnMenuCommand on-menu-command)

  ;;; Make a menu bar
  (bind ?file-menu (menu-create))
  (menu-append ?file-menu 1 "&Load file")
  (menu-append ?file-menu 4 "&Print to PostScript")

  (bind ?pull-right (menu-create))
  (menu-append ?pull-right 100 "&Twips")
  (menu-append ?pull-right 101 "&10th mm")

  (menu-append ?file-menu 2 "&Scale picture" ?pull-right)
  (menu-append-separator ?file-menu)
  (menu-append ?file-menu 3 "&Quit")

  (bind ?help-menu (menu-create))
  (menu-append ?help-menu 200 "&About")

  (bind ?menu-bar (menu-bar-create))
  (menu-bar-append ?menu-bar ?file-menu "&File")
  (menu-bar-append ?menu-bar ?help-menu "&Help")

  (frame-set-menu-bar ?*main-frame* ?menu-bar)

  ;;; Make a panel and panel items
  (bind ?*panel* (panel-create ?*main-frame* 0 0 530 250))
  (panel-set-label-position ?*panel* wxVERTICAL)

  (bind ?*text-win* (text-window-create ?*main-frame* 0 250 500 250))

  (bind ?button (button-create ?*panel* frame-button-proc "A button"))
  (if (> ?*button-bitmap* 0) then
   (bind ?bitmap-button (button-create-from-bitmap ?*panel* frame-button-proc ?*button-bitmap*))
  (bind ?text (text-create ?*panel* "text-callback" "A text item" "Initial value" -1 -1 200 -1 "wxPROCESS_ENTER"))
  (bind ?check (check-box-create ?*panel* "" "A check box"))

  (panel-new-line ?*panel*)

  (bind ?choice (choice-create ?*panel* "" "A choice item" -1 -1 -1 -1 (mv-append
   "One" "Two" "Three" "Four")))
  (choice-set-selection ?choice 0)

  (message-create ?*panel* "Hello! A simple message")

  (bind ?list (list-box-create ?*panel* "" "A list" 0 -1 -1 100 80))
  (list-box-append ?list "Apple")
  (list-box-append ?list "Pear")
  (list-box-append ?list "Orange")
  (list-box-append ?list "Banana")
  (list-box-append ?list "Fruit")

  (panel-new-line ?*panel*)

  (bind ?slider (slider-create ?*panel* "" "A slider" 40 22 101 200))

  (bind ?multi (multi-text-create ?*panel* "" "Multiline text" "Some text" -1 -1 200 100))

  (bind ?radiobox (radio-box-create ?*panel* "radio-box-callback" "Radiobox" -1 -1 200 100
   (mv-append "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6") 2 "wxVERTICAL"))
  (printout t "Radiobox id = " ?radiobox crlf)

;  (window-fit ?*panel*)
;  (window-fit ?*main-frame*)

  (text-window-load-file ?*text-win* "hello.clp")
  (bind ?*subframe* (frame-create 0 "Canvas Frame" 300 300 400 400))
  (bind ?*canvas* (canvas-create ?*subframe* 0 0 400 400))
  (window-set-cursor ?*canvas* ?*hand-cursor*)
  (window-add-callback ?*canvas* OnPaint on-paint)
  (window-add-callback ?*canvas* OnEvent on-event)
  (canvas-set-scrollbars ?*canvas* 20 20 50 50 4 4)

  (window-centre ?*main-frame* wxBOTH)

  (window-show ?*main-frame* 1)
  (window-show ?*subframe* 1)
