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wxHelpInstance is-a wxObject

Not yet implemented.

A 'help instance' is created to manage on-line help associated with one or more files. wxCLIPS supports both Windows Help under MS Windows, and wxHelp under all platforms.

Windows Help (.hlp) files may be created using a number of tools, such as Tex2RTF. wxHelp (.xlp) files can be created with a text editor or a tool such as Tex2RTF.

wxHelp is very limited in its capabilities and should only be used on platforms with no native help. Consider using HTML files instead (although you cannot currently access HTML files from your application).

wxHelpInstance native
wxHelpInstance create
wxHelpInstance display-block
wxHelpInstance display-contents
wxHelpInstance display-section
wxHelpInstance keyword-search
wxHelpInstance load-file

wxHelpInstance native

bool native

If TRUE, the native help system will be invoked (such as WinHelp under MS Windows). If FALSE, wxHelp will be invoked.

wxHelpInstance create

void ( create)

Creates a help instance. If native is TRUE, the native help system will be invoked (such as WinHelp under MS Windows). If FALSE, wxHelp will be invoked.

wxHelpInstance display-block

bool ( display-block long blockId)

Displays the help file at the given block identifier (system dependent).

wxHelpInstance display-contents

bool ( display-contents string filename)

Displays the contents of the help file currently loaded.

wxHelpInstance display-section

bool ( display-section long section)

Displays the help file at the given section (system dependent).

wxHelpInstance keyword-search

bool ( keyword-search string keyword)

Positions the help file at a section matching the given string.

wxHelpInstance load-file

bool ( load-file string filename)

Attempts to load the given file into the help instance. Use a function like display-contents to display the file.