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wxWindow is-a wxEvtHandler

The wxWindow is an 'abstract' class, used to access the functionality of classes derived from it. Therefore, please refer to this section when considering other classes.

wxWindow x
wxWindow y
wxWindow width
wxWindow height
wxWindow client-width
wxWindow client-height
wxWindow centre
wxWindow enable
wxWindow find-window-by-name
wxWindow find-window-by-label
wxWindow fit
wxWindow get-name
wxWindow get-parent
wxWindow make-modal
wxWindow popup-menu
wxWindow set-cursor
wxWindow set-focus
wxWindow set-size
wxWindow set-client-size
wxWindow show

wxWindow x

long x

The x coordinate of the window.

wxWindow y

long y

The window y coordinate.

wxWindow width

long width

The window width.

wxWindow height

long height

The window height.

wxWindow client-width

long client-width

The window client width (space available for contents of this window).

wxWindow client-height

long client-height

The window client height (space available for contents of this window).

wxWindow centre

bool ( centre word orientation)

orientation may be wxVERTICAL, wxHORIZONTAL or wxBOTH. Centres the window with respect to its parent (or desktop).

wxWindow enable

bool ( enable bool enable)

If enable is TRUE, enables the window for input. If enable is FALSE, the window is disabled (greyed out in the case of a panel item).

wxWindow find-window-by-name

wxWindow ( find-window-by-name string name)

Finds the descendant window for this window.

wxWindow find-window-by-label

wxWindow ( find-window-by-label string label)

Finds the descendant window for this window.

wxWindow fit

bool ( fit)

Fits the panel, dialog box or frame around its children.

wxWindow get-name

string ( get-name)

Gets the window's name (the 'name' parameter passed to a window constructor).

wxWindow get-parent

wxWindow ( get-parent)

Gets the window's parent, or nil if there no parent.

wxWindow make-modal

bool ( make-modal bool modal)

modal may be TRUE to disable all frames and dialog boxes except this one, or FALSE to enable all frames and dialogs again.

Has no effect under XView.

wxWindow popup-menu

bool ( popup-menu wxMenu menu double x double y)

Pops up a menu on the window, at the given position. The menu will be dismissed (but not destroyed) when the user makes a selection.

Note that there is a reliability problem with Motif popup menus; they may not pop up after the first time.

wxWindow set-cursor

bool ( set-cursor wxCursor cursor)

Sets the cursor for this window.

wxWindow set-focus

bool ( set-focus)

Set this window to have the keyboard focus.

wxWindow set-size

bool ( set-size long x long y long width long height)

Sets the position and size of the window.

wxWindow set-client-size

bool ( set-client-size long width long height)

Sets the client size (available space for child windows) of the window.

wxWindow show

bool ( show long show)

If show is TRUE, shows the window. If show is FALSE, the window is hidden. If the window is a modal dialog box, show = TRUE will start the modal loop, and show = FALSE will terminate the loop (allowing execution to proceed after the first call to show).