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Compiling wxCLIPS

wxCLIPS comes with modified CLIPS source files for CLIPS 6.04, and CLIPS 6.04 with NRCC's fuzzy extensions.

If the source is not supplied with your version of wxCLIPS, download it from:

The source archive should contain both wxclips and wxextend directories, which should be place below the utils directory of your wxWindows installation (see below). The wxExtend library is a helper library for interfacing wxWindows to interpreted languages via C.

You need to obtain the full distribution of each version of CLIPS, including any patches provided by NASA or NRCC. Fuzzy CLIPS is available from:

You also need the latest wxWindows distribution, available from:

where X.XX is a version number such as 1.66.

Copy the modified files from one of the wxCLIPS directories CLIPS6.0 or FUZZY into the distribution, and make a library version of CLIPS. Use the makefiles provided in the respective wxCLIPS directories, specifying the target clips.lib (or clips32v.lib for a MS VC++ 4.0-compiled library).

Next, compile wxWindows for your platform. Supported platforms are UNIX with Motif 1.2 or XView 3.1, and MS Windows (using Microsoft or Borland C++). Minor adjustments may be needed for your compiler and environment.

Now compile wxCLIPS, after editing the makefile in the wxCLIPS src directory to set appropriate pointers to the CLIPS directory.

Under DOS, a typical command line to make wxCLIPS with CLIPS 6.0 is:

  nmake -f makefile.dos CLIPS6=1 wxclips.exe
  nmake -f makefile.dos full
Or for a fuzzy version:

  nmake -f makefile.dos CLIPS6=1 FUZZY=1 wxclips.exe
  nmake -f makefile.dos fullfuzz
For a non-debugging version (which gives a smaller executable), delete wxclips.exe and invoke make with FINAL=1 appened to the make command line.

Under UNIX, use make -f makefile.unx with target xview or motif. Then use 'strip' to remove debugging information from the executable.

Using wxCLIPS as a library
The wxCLIPS type system
Changes made to CLIPS