WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

Database Systems Research Group (DSRG) Meeting at WPI
Schedule for Weekly Meetings

DSRG (Database Systems Research Group) is the database and information systems group at WPI composed of Prof. Elke A. Rundensteiner, Prof. Murali Mani and students in the Computer Science Department or other departments at WPI that work on research projects on database and information systems. Ayone else interested in database systems is welcome to participate at any time.

DSRG Schedule for Fall 2006

WHEN: Tuesdays, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs. 246
URL: Meeting Information

EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu (register at majordomo if you want to receive all emails send to this research group).

DSRG Schedule for Spring 2006

WHEN: Thursdays, 2:00noon - 3:00 pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs. 246
URL: Meeting Information

EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu (register at majordomo if you want to receive all emails send to this research group).

DSRG Schedule for 2003

WHEN: Thursdays, 12:00noon - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs. 246
URL: Meeting Information
WORKING "LUNCH" MEETING: By tradition, participants take turns providing "something" snackable for the group. It can be as boring as pizza, but we are hoping for someone some day to bring some more ethnics foods :)
EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu (register at majordomo if you want to receive all emails send to this research group).

DSRG Schedule for Fall 2002

WHEN: Thursdays, 12:00noon - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs. 246
URL: Meeting Information
WORKING "LUNCH" MEETING: By tradition, participants take turns providing "something" snackable for the group. It can be as boring as pizza, but we are hoping for someone some day to bring some more ethnics foods :)
EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu

DSRG Schedule for Spring 2002

WHEN: Mondays, 12:00noon - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs. 246
URL: Meeting Information
WORKING "LUNCH" MEETING: By tradition, participants take turns providing "something" snackable for the group. It can be as boring as pizza, but we are hoping for someone to bring some more ethnics foods from time to time.
EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu

DSRG Schedule for Fall 2001

WHEN: Mondays, 12:00noon - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs. 246
URL: Meeting Information
WORKING "LUNCH" MEETING: By tradition, participants take turns providing "something" snackable for the group. It can be as boring as pizza, but we are hoping for someone to bring some more ethnics foods from time to time.
EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu

DSRG Schedule for Spring 2001

WHEN: Fridays, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
WHERE: Fuller Labs. room 141
URL: Meeting Information
WORKING LUNCH: Hm, too late to have lunch, maybe we'll have donuts or something :)
EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu

DSRG Schedule for 2000

WHEN: Thursdays, 11:00am to 12:00pm
WHERE: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs 246.
WHAT: Meetings for Spring 2001 are co-located with AIRG.
URL: Meeting Topics
EMAIL: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu

Subscribe to "dsrg@cs.wpi.edu" to receive email related to this DSRG group.
Email for questions: dsrg@cs.wpi.edu