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wxCLIPS was developed to enable CLIPS programmers to write portable, graphical programs which run under X and MS Windows. It is essentially CLIPS modified to work with an event driven style of programming, and a set of GUI functions. Its name reflects the fact that it is a CLIPS interface to wxWindows, a C++ GUI library also written by Julian Smart.

wxCLIPS supports CLIPS 6.0, and CLIPS 6.0 with fuzzy extensions, depending on how it is compiled.

wxCLIPS is really two entities:

  1. A library of CLIPS functions to access a subset of wxWindows functionality.
  2. A simple stand-alone development environment for developing wxWindows applications using these extra CLIPS functions.

The library can be used by any C++ program, to give it a tailoring language and interactive access to GUI functionality. The stand-alone wxCLIPS is a simple development interface making use of the library.

wxCLIPS is fundamentally a set of functions, rather than COOL objects, since C-based user extensions are restricted to functions. However, there is now a set of classes called wxCOOL which encapsulates much of the wxCLIPS functionality in a properly object-oriented manner.

The wxCLIPS extensions to CLIPS were written by Julian Smart of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh. You can get the latest version of the Windows and Sun Open Look and Motif binaries and source from the AIAI ftp site: (WWW) (FTP)

The relationship between CLIPS, wxCLIPS and wxWindows
Other products by Julian Smart
Acknowledgements and disclaimer