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The relationship between CLIPS, wxCLIPS and wxWindows

wxWindows is a C++ class library for multi-platform development, developed at the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute by Julian Smart and available free of charge.

CLIPS is NASA's expert system shell, allowing rule-based, functional and object-oriented programming in the one, portable system. It is written in C and is effectively free of charge.

wxCLIPS is the union of wxWindows and CLIPS -- a set of CLIPS functions to access a large portion of wxWindows functionality. It is available in three forms: as a library, within other products, or as an executable with a simple front end.

To fully understand wxCLIPS, it will help to read the wxWindows documentation. This is available from AIAI's anonymous ftp site in PostScript, wxHelp, and Windows Help format. The ftp site is, and wxWindows is in /pub/packages/wxwin.

This document only deals with functions added to standard CLIPS. There are PostScript, Word for Windows and ASCII files containing NASA's CLIPS documentation, some of which will be required for serious wxCLIPS development.

For further information, please contact Julian Smart at the following address:

Dr Julian Smart
149 Warrender Park Road
Tel: 0131 466 0193